Beyond If Beyond If
If/When Jun 16, 2020

Automated Design: Sketching Out the Future of Design

Show Contributors: Matt Walton, Natasha Luthra, Paul Thies


By some accounts, Leonardo da Vinci's surviving drawings number in the thousands, meticulously documenting the physical world. 如果没有某种帮助,我们中很少有人能靠自己的力量接近这位天才的产出能力. 但是,如果我们能够利用人工智能和自动化来成倍地增加我们的选择呢? In this episode of If/When, we discuss AI and automated design with Matt Walton, 甲骨文前人工智能和自适应智能首席设计官, and Natasha Luthra, Director of Emerging Technologies at Jacobs.

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Matt Walton他拥有超过28年的创业和企业高管经验, 最近担任甲骨文自适应和人工智能首席设计官, focused within ERP/Supply Chain automation. Matt在大数据/分析和基于位置的供应链物流方面拥有多项专利. Matt has deep expertise in Supply Chain and Logistics, Fleet and Field Service Management, artificial intelligence and machine learning, product realization, and IP generation. Across his career, he has invented, designed, scaled and managed over 300 individual web, mobile and cloud systems for companies such as AT&T labs, DARPA, McKesson, IBM, John Deere and GE Fleet. Matt’s career has encompassed being an award-winning illustrator, Walt Disney character animator, toy designer, game designer, application designer, product management leader, business strategist and futurist.

Natasha Luthra is the Director of Emerging Technologies at Jacobs. Currently, 她经营着一个新兴创意创新项目,专注于孵化转型创意, technologies, 和工具,同时培养和验证基于客户需求和雅各布斯战略使命的新兴想法, to advance the practice through innovative processes. She has spoken about technology, 比如欧特克大学的领导力论坛, BILT NA, BILT Asia, BIMForum and the AIA National Convention. Natasha曾在《首页》上发表文章, YAF Connection and AUGI World. She was also the 2018 Chair for Technology in Architectural Practice, AIA知识社区专注于技术和建筑的交叉. In this capacity, she hosted the 2018 Building Connections Congress in Washington DC, a conference that looked at the themes of the future of design in the age of AI and machine learning.