



图片由苏格兰水务公司提供. ©SNS

When a month’s worth of rain fell over Glasgow on a June afternoon in 2002, the city’s sewer system just couldn’t keep up, leaving portions of the city under several feet of water.

2018年竣工, the Shieldhall隧道 is the biggest wastewater tunnel in Scotland, and a main component of Scottish Water’s program, conceived as an answer to the 2002 flooding, 改变它管理降雨的方式, protects water quality and prevents flooding from stormwater overflows.

正规博彩十大网站排名 served as a strategic advisor to Scottish Water on the tunnel.

  • 90 K


  • 90 %


  • 36

    Olympic-sized pools worth of stormwater kept from flooding the streets

  • 500 K


One of the most significant Scottish projects since the Victorian era

Big enough to fit a double-decker bus inside, 谢尔德霍尔隧道是格拉斯哥自维多利亚时代以来最重要的首页项目之一,可以提供90个,000 立方米的额外雨水储存, 帮助控制暴雨后大约90%的下水道溢流.

Appointed by Scottish Water in 2012 to advise on various tunnel options, 正规博彩十大网站排名准备了参考设计, 进行现场调查,协助标书的准备和评估. 在整个项目中, 雅各布斯提供了技术援助和一个现场小组来监督隧道工程的施工.

一台绰号为“钻孔Daisy”的隧道掘进机花了15个月的时间才挖出了这条隧道.1-mile-long tunnel beneath southern Glasgow, 挖掘500多处,千吨土, 石头, clay and other aggregates – 90 percent of which are being recycled. 而隧道, 黛西安装了3个以上,200 concrete rings (6 segments each weighing over 2 tonnes) to form the tunnel, advancing through the ground at 2 centimetres per minute.

The challenging geology conditions ranged from soft clay, glacial till to hard sand石头 and mud 石头. 司钻雏菊的冠盖部分小于1直径, making control of face pressure critical. The tunnelling team successfully overcame obstacles, 特别是在与佩斯利运河铁路线相交的地方,覆盖层用软粘土缩小到小于1直径.

格拉斯哥地下布满了老煤矿,其中一些没有记录.  在开凿隧道之前, the team had to grout infill in four areas along the alignment, 具有挑战性的事业. Grouting not only allowed Daisy's safe passage through old mining areas, but also ensured the tunnel's long-term stability. 该团队使用了大约15,000吨的灌浆来填补这些工作留下的空隙.


“The Shieldhall隧道 is an extraordinary feat of modern engineering, 它建立在一个多世纪前那些寻求改善格拉斯哥废水网络的先驱者的努力之上. 提供优秀的, 有效的污水管网服务于我们不断增长的社区,对城市的首页和环境至关重要, 现在,为了子孙后代.”


Scottish Cabinet Secretary for 环境, Climate Change and Land Reform